20 July 2009

French Churches

Churches of France, from city churches to countryside, to nearer my God to thee on a hilltop. Yikes that's a hike to go to church, but worth it I am sure to go.

The beauty of them. They were duplicated here in the states as well. Mostly in Gothic architecture. But nothing beats a French Cathedral.


Pug1 said...

These are beautiful churches! CHEERS! Michele

The Bella Cottage said...

Stunning. Thank you for sharing! I love your blog-- so I'm following you!

FrenchGardenHouse said...

I agree with you, nothing beats those wonderful cathedrals! Thanks so much for sharing them.
xo Lidy

Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

What a stunning post,so glad I found your blog!!All the best,Chrissy

Unknown said...

regal spires that climb to the sky-lovely photos of lovely churches~ so nice...

Pool designs photos said...

That church on the rock is nice!

pool designs photos

BizzieLizzie said...

Lovely, lovely blog! So happy I've discovered it amongst my i-net travels!

Forger said...

Lovely photographs, thank you. Number 6 is not in France. It is located at Kylemore Abbey in Co Galway, Ireland. Forger

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