06 July 2009

Beauty In Everything

Courtesy of Flickr
Courtesy of Flickr

These have their own beauty. I admire a person with such an eye, to obtain these photo's.

Hope your 4th was fun and safe.....


Unknown said...

What great photos you've found. The old elegance is sooo beautiful! Hope you had a wonderful holiday.

Mary said...

Hi Glenda, I love your blog. I can see that you like the finer things in life, and the pictures you've shared are exquisite, as is the French music! I adore poodles and have had them all my life, til recently that is, when I let my granddaughters choose a dog for our home! Hercules is a very nice community. We're neighbors! I haven't been there for a few years, but I know it's grown into a great place to live. Hope we visit each other again!

Unknown said...

lovely blog, thanks for visiting mine- your photographs are wonderful..

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